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Let’s get you up and running with data from Exact ProAcc


  • Finansiel rapportering
  • Kasserapportering


  • Finans

Exact ProAcc

The integration

BrightAnalytics centralizes all financial and operational data in one single platform, and allows you to endlessly combine these numbers to produce the most inclusive insights.

The data from Exact ProAcc is transformed into clear and interactive dashboards, graphs and scorecards on the BrightAnalytics platform, telling the true story behind the numbers. In BrightAnalytics, all financial and operational reports are immediately available:

And much more!

About Exact ProAcc

Exact ProAcc is an accounting and commercial management package with a modular structure that can run under both MacOS X and Windows.

  • ProAcc Studio Basic: Bookkeeping with invoicing
  • ProAcc Studio Advanced: Fixed assets, analytical accounting and budgeting
  • ProAcc Studio Premium: Order administration with sales, purchase, and stock management, serial number, composed articles, and pricing

BrightAnalytics connects to all Exact software packages, regardless of technology or application type. Our platform centralizes all data and offers you instant insights into your figures. Discover the other Exact integrations:

Vivaldis Interim testimonial BrightAnalytics
Der gik knap seks uger fra de første samtaler til gennemførelsen: Det hele gik utroligt hurtigt.
– Anke Ulkens, administrerende direktør
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Connecting valuable data

BrightAnalytics already connects with more than 150 applications, and is creating more all the time! Didn’t find your connector? Let us know and we’ll get right on it!

  • Hvad er BrightAnalytics?

    BrightAnalytics is the most intuitive, reliable and fast management reporting platform that covers all needs on management reporting and consolidation.

  • Hvordan fungerer BrightAnalytics?
    1. Connect: BrightAnalytics connects with accounting, ERP and CRM systems, and centralizes all data in the BrightAnalytics platform.
    2. Report: The standard templates in BrightAnalytics are immediately ready for use, but can be fully tailored to suit one’s needs.
    3. Analyze: The management reports and dashboards offer a wealth of information and immediately provide clear insight into the figures of the entire organization.
    4. Engage: The clear reports contribute to a better streamlined business strategy and execution, and ensure transparency within the company.

  • Hvordan tilslutter jeg BrightAnalytics til min pakke?

    Dette er kun muligt efter at have kontaktet en af vores kolleger i kundeservice. De danner bro mellem kunden og forretningsanalytikerne og sikrer, at forbindelsen mellem jeres pakker fungerer gnidningsløst.

  • Hvad sker der, hvis der ikke er nogen forbindelse til min pakke?

    There is a team at BrightAnalytics dedicated to building connectors. In other words: if there is no connector yet, we are sure we can make one.