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Let’s get you up and running with data from Exact Globe Entity Services


  • Finansiel rapportering
  • Kasserapportering


  • ERP
  • Finans

Integration Type

  • Standard API

Exact Globe Entity Services

The integration

BrightAnalytics centralizes all financial and operational data in one single platform, and allows you to endlessly combine these numbers to produce the most inclusive insights.

The data from Exact Globe is transformed into clear and interactive dashboards, graphs and scorecards on the BrightAnalytics platform, telling the true story behind the numbers. In BrightAnalytics, all financial reports are immediately available:

And much more!

About Exact Globe

Exact Globe is the basis of the Exact software packages and offers insight into financial and administrative processes. With its modular structure, accounting is linked to primary business processes such as logistics, production, project and financial management.

BrightAnalytics connects with both the on-premises packages Exact ProAcc and Exact Financials, as well as their cloud-based package Exact Online. Our platform centralizes all data and offers you instant insights into your figures.

VincentLogistics testimonial BrightAnalytics e1631016474429
Det, der straks faldt i øjnene ved BrightAnalytics, var, at det var en meget visuel og grafisk stærk løsning.
– Caroline Vergotte, finansdirektør
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Connecting valuable data

BrightAnalytics already connects with more than 280 applications, and creating more all the time! Didn’t find your connector? Let us know and we’ll get right on it!


  • Hvad er BrightAnalytics?

    BrightAnalytics er den mest intuitive, pålidelige og hurtige ledelsesrapporteringsplatform, der dækker alle behov for ledelsesrapportering og konsolidering.

  • Hvordan fungerer BrightAnalytics?
    1. Opret forbindelse: BrightAnalytics forbindes med regnskabs-, ERP- og CRM-systemer og centraliserer alle data i BrightAnalytics-platformen.
    2. Rapporter: Standardskabelonerne i BrightAnalytics er klar til brug med det samme, men kan skræddersys, så de passer til ens behov.
    3. Analyser: Ledelsesrapporter og dashboards tilbyder et væld af oplysninger og giver straks klar indsigt i tallene for hele organisationen.
    4. Engagere: De klare rapporter bidrager til en bedre strømlinet forretningsstrategi og -udførelse og sikrer gennemsigtighed i virksomheden.

  • Er BrightAnalytics forbundet med min pakke?

    På siden https://www.brightanalytics.eu/integrationer/ kan du finde en liste med alle vores connectors.

  • Hvordan tilslutter jeg BrightAnalytics til min pakke?

    Dette er kun muligt efter at have kontaktet en af vores kolleger i kundeservice. De danner bro mellem kunden og forretningsanalytikerne og sikrer, at forbindelsen mellem jeres pakker fungerer gnidningsløst.